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What are the advantages of using PET plastic bottles?

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What are the advantages of using PET plastic bottles?


The health care product plastic bottle manufacturer makes the following introductions on the use of PET plastic bottles:

1, has good mechanical properties, impact strength is 3 to 5 times that of other films, good folding resistance;

2, oil resistant, fat resistant, dilute acid, dilute alkali, resistant to most solvents;

3. It has excellent high and low temperature resistance, can be used for a long time in the temperature range of 120 °C, can withstand high temperature of 150 °C for short-term use, can withstand low temperature of -70 °C, and has little effect on its mechanical properties at high and low temperatures;

4. Low gas and water vapor permeability, excellent gas barrier, water, oil and odor properties;

5, high transparency, can block ultraviolet light, good gloss;

6, non-toxic, tasteless, good health and safety, can be directly used for food packaging.


This article's website:http://en.hbmdsj.com/news/425.html

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