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What are the advantages of medicinal plastic bottles?

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What are the advantages of medicinal plastic bottles?


The medicinal plastic bottle small series introduces you to advantage:

1, "green" packaging. The “green” packaging of medicines refers to packaging that is harmless to the ecological environment and human health, and that packaging materials can be recycled. After the implementation of the ISO1400 standard, the pioneering of “green” packaging became necessary. In the future, it will be rampant and open up to new environmentally-friendly packaging materials that can be remanufactured, degradable and returned to nature, and burned without polluting the atmosphere;

2, antibacterial packaging. Although the cleaning environment for pharmaceutical production is based on the GMP request scheme, it is impossible to confirm sterility in any of the dosage form production and packaging processes. Therefore, in order to extend the shelf life of the drug and ensure the safety of the drug, the GMP request to receive the antibacterial polymer packaging materials to hold the drug packaging to inhibit bacterial contamination, which will become one of the directions of flexible packaging of drugs;

3, high barrier packaging. High barrier packaging is the use of barrier materials to suppress gas and water vapor. Odor, brilliance, etc. enter the package to ensure the effectiveness of the drug. The use of high-barrier packaging has been extensive in Europe and Japan, and China has introduced high-barrier packaging such as PVDC since the 1980s, but it has grown dull. Therefore, the growth of high barrier material packaging is a major trend in China's pharmaceutical flexible packaging;

4, nano packaging. The use and pioneering of nano-skills and nano-materials in the medicinal field, medicinal plastic bottles provide a great opportunity for Chinese pharmaceutical packaging. The growth of nanopaper, polymer-based nanocomposites (PNMC), nano-adhesives and nano-antibacterial packaging will be a new field for the development of flexible pharmaceutical packaging.

5, environmental conditioning packaging. The so-called "environmental conditioning packaging" is to innovate the gas conditions in the packaging, and to ensure the quality of the packaged goods for a long time, such as packaging of desiccant (oxygen absorber), atmospheric replacement (nitrogen filling, etc.). This form of packaging will continue throughout;

6, "sterile" packaging. “Aseptic” packaging is a method of receiving instant UHT sterilization in a “sterile” environment, sterilizing and packaging the packaged drugs, and using the composite material to agree on the different forms of kneading and compound molding. . It has the advantages of better connecting medicines, extending shelf life, saving energy, reducing packaging costs, and easily completing environmentally friendly packaging;

7, serialized packaging. The serialization of pharmaceutical packaging, that is, the uniformity of the medicines produced by the same manufacturer and the packaging format of the nearby packaging materials, such as blister packaging, can negotiate the plate scale and the innovative elements of the aluminum foil screen. Following the promotion of China's medicinal occupation OTC, serialized packaging is increasingly cherished, and will be able to expand its capabilities in the future development of pharmaceutical flexible packaging;

8, less metering packaging. The less metering package requires the effect of standard metering in the inner packaging of the medicine. The medicinal plastic bottle contains the packaging material with the metering effect and the disposable dosage package, and the latter is the more common less metering package. In the United States in 1990, it has been fully used in one-time packaging. With the development of composite materials and the development of sterilization packaging technology, China has been able to effectively ensure the accuracy of liquid and solid agent packaging at one time, but it will continue to grow small. Measuring and packaging this convenient and accurate form of flexible packaging;


This article's website:http://en.hbmdsj.com/news/445.html

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